1.1Number of students year wise during the last five years
1.2.1Number of CertificateValue added courses
1.2.2 Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate Value added courses
1.3.2 Percentage of students undertaking project work
1.4.1Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance
2.1 Number of teaching staff full time teachers during the last five years (Without repeat count)
2.1.1 Enrollment percentage
2.1.2 Percentage of seats filled against reserved categories
2.2 Number of teaching staff full time teachers year wise during the last five years
2.4.1 Percentage of full-time teachers against sanctioned posts
2.4.2 Percentage of full time teachers with NETSETSLET
3.1 Expenditure excluding salary component year wise during the last five years
3.2.2 Number of workshops seminars conferences
3.3.1 Number of research papers published
3.3.2 Number of books and chapters in edited
3.3.2 web link
3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach programs
3.5.1 Number of functional MoUs linkages with institutions industries
4.1.2 Percentage of expenditure for infrastructure development
4.4.1 Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance
5.1.1 Percentage of students benefited by scholarships
5.1.2 Capacity development and skills enhancement activities
5.1.3 Percentage of students benefited by guidance
5.1.4 Redressal of student grievances
5.2.1 Placement of outgoing students
5.2.2 Students qualifying in state national international level examinations
5.3.1 Awards medals for outstanding performance
5.3.2 Sports and cultural programs
6.2.2 E-governance in its operations
6.3.2 Teachers provided with financial support
6.3.3 Faculty development Programmes
7.1.2 Institution has facilities and initiatives
7.1.3 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken